Legal notice

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, Article 10, and Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, the following General Information is disclosed:

Access to the website and information regarding any of the products and services contained therein implies acceptance of the conditions provided in this Legal Notice. Therefore, we recommend that you read its content carefully if you wish to access and use the information and services offered from it.

General conditions

These general conditions regulate the use and access to the website or Internet service that makes available to users.

The use of the website by any user implies full acceptance of these conditions and criteria that are permanently exposed on the web, under the version published and in force at any given time. For this purpose, users are recommended to read the conditions and instructions displayed on the web pages carefully each time they access them, as well as the need to reload the contents that are in the user’s computer cache to receive fully updated information.

All this without prejudice to the specific conditions that regulate each of the products and services accessible through the web pages.

Object is not affiliated in any way with Alibaba, AliExpress, Shein, or any of their services or subsidiaries. makes the Site available to all Internet users to disseminate information and news related to online stores such as AliExpress and Shein, occasionally allowing user interaction through comments.

Any user can make inquiries, comments, or recommendations to through the email address [email protected].

Conditions of use

As a User, merely by accessing the Website, you must:

  • Use it in compliance with any applicable legislation, especially in matters of intellectual and industrial property and data protection, as well as morals and generally accepted good customs, public order, and these General Conditions of Use.
  • Use it diligently, correctly, and lawfully.
  • Review the changes that these Conditions or any other applicable legal text may undergo in the future.
  • Review the notifications we send you, as they may contain important information.
  • Comply with all the conditions and obligations contained in these General Conditions of Use.
  • Also, you agree to:
  • Not infringe any right or interest of or third parties, such as intellectual or industrial property rights (trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyright, etc.).
  • Not use the Website for commercial purposes. For example, not use it to collect information or content to provide services or obtain any benefit that, in the opinion of, belongs to or competes with it.
  • Not introduce in any way computer viruses, worms, trojans, or any other type of malicious code whose purpose is to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionalities of the Site.
  • Not use reverse engineering techniques and/or decompile, decipher, or use any other system intended to discover the source code of the Site or any element subject to intellectual property rights.
  • Not modify or try to modify the Website in any way.
  • Not damage, disable, overload, or hinder the service (or the network or networks connected to the service), or interfere with the use and enjoyment of the service.
  • Not perform actions or use means aimed at simulating the appearance or functions of the Site.
  • Furthermore, if you are going to leave comments, you agree to:
  • Not publish illegal, inaccurate, inappropriate, injurious, discriminatory, or offensive content. It is strictly forbidden to harass, abuse, or harm another person through the Website, whether they are also a User of the Site or not.
  • Not publish advertising content or carry out marketing activities with other Users or in general, regardless of the purpose.
  • The publication of comments is automatic. At we do not always control the content that is published, so we are exempt from responsibility regarding such content.
  • Be solely responsible for what you publish and share, as well as the consequences that may arise from it. In particular, you will be responsible for possible violations of intellectual or industrial property rights and data protection infringements that you commit.
  • Although we do not control it, we reserve the right to remove content when we detect or are informed that it is violating these Conditions.

Privacy policy

In this privacy statement, we explain what personal data we collect from our users and how we use it. We encourage you to read these terms carefully before providing your personal data on this website.

All data provided by users will be treated with absolute confidentiality. Both the entity responsible for the files and those involved in any phase of the processing and the entities to whom they have been communicated, under the authorization conferred by the user, are subject to the strictest professional secrecy. They expressly commit to adopt the necessary levels of protection and the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, misuse, loss, theft, processing, or unauthorized access, whether externally or within the framework of their own structure or dependent personnel, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. Likewise, it guarantees the treatment and registration in files, programs, systems, equipment, premises, and centers, which comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security established in the regulations in force at all times.

Data storage

These data are stored by the management of AlixBlog on a server hosted by the company OVH HISPANO SLU, with CIF B-83834747 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in Volume 19514, Book 0, Folio 77, Section 8, Sheet M-342678. Its registered office is in Madrid, C/ Princesa nº 22, 2º Dcha., 28008 Madrid. The contact telephone number is 902.106.113 and the email address is [email protected].

We also use the Google Analytics tool, which does not store private information and is only based on navigation information and cookies to provide us with anonymized statistics about your activity on our site. You can disable Google Analytics tracking at any time from your browser options or by browsing in incognito mode. You can find more information about the Google Analytics service at

Rights over the data:

As a user, you have the right to:

  • Request access to personal data concerning the data subject.
  • Request its rectification or deletion.
  • Request the limitation of its processing.
  • Object to the processing.
  • Request data portability.

By default, your data will be retained indefinitely, but if you wish to request deletion, you only need to send us an email to [email protected] explaining your need and we will respond as soon as possible. Likewise, if you want to stop receiving email marketing notifications, you only need to click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of all emails.


Simple browsing through the website is free and does not require prior registration by the user.

Users are expressly warned that the website may use cookies. These cookies are small data files that are generated on the user’s computer and are associated only with an anonymous user. The cookies used cannot read data from your hard drive or read cookie files created by other providers. Cookies allow users to be recognized only if they have registered, to avoid having to do so on each visit to access areas or services reserved exclusively for them. They also provide information about the date and time of the last time the user visited our web and the contents chosen during browsing. The user has the option to configure their browser to be notified of the receipt of cookies on their hard drive, having to consult the instructions and manuals of their browser to expand this information.

Personal data

If a user is required to register their personal data, in order to enable access, use, or contracting of any service provided through the website, they are expressly informed that such data, together with those generated as a result of the execution of the service, are necessary for the development, control, management, and execution of services, products, and communications and that they will be incorporated into the files created for that purpose in each case. The introduction and registration of personal data by the user will imply the acceptance and express authorization to for the collection, incorporation into the respective files, and the processing of such personal data, as well as for their conservation during the periods provided for in the applicable provisions.

Users are also warned that the registration of the personal data provided at the time of subscription or contracting of products or services, and any other provided during their relationship, will also imply the voluntary acceptance on their part concerning the processing of such personal data by to be segmented or categorized to keep them informed and to be able to send them information, offers, or promotions of their products and services, prepare profiles, or carry out analyses of proposals requested by the user.

At the same time, the provision of personal data by the user will imply their voluntary acceptance of the transfer and transmission of such data, with the same purposes as those indicated in the previous paragraph, to the companies belonging to the group of companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, of which is part at any given time. As well as the authorization to to receive from said companies information held in their files, so that it can process personal data, even in an interconnected way, for the purposes expressed. The activities carried out by the different companies or assignees mentioned above include, among others: those corresponding to the real estate sectors, services, sale, and distribution of goods and consumer articles, consulting services, advice, management, communication channels, computing, accounting, etc.

The user’s authorization for the processing and transfer indicated in the two previous paragraphs is voluntary, and in the terms established by the data protection regulations in force at any given time, the authorization granted here for the processing or transfer of personal data may be revoked. In any case, the user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, and cancellation, by writing to the person responsible for the files, via the contact email: [email protected]. However, there may be cases where data registration is incorporated into files whose responsibility lies with entities other than (joint collaborations or promotions of products or services), of which the user will be expressly and respectively informed.

Finally, users are warned that the web pages may provide access through links (“links”) to different websites corresponding to entities, companies, institutions, or organizations outside will not be responsible, in relation to the registration on such websites, for personal data by the user.

Responsibility does not guarantee the user the availability, access, or continuity of the connection to the website and the supply of information or any of the various services offered through it. Consequently, and any possible content provider will not be responsible in case of interruptions of service, delays, malfunction, and in general, any inconvenience that originates from causes beyond the control of or providers, or comes from the user’s willful or negligent actions, or force majeure. also does not guarantee the usefulness, obtaining results, or infallibility of the contents provided through the web, which are of an indicative and informative nature. This information has been obtained from reasonably reliable sources, but it should not be presumed infallible, and it should be contrasted with other sources before adopting any opinion or decision by the user. Any opinions, measures, or investment or any other actions adopted by the user will be at their own exclusive account and risk. assumes no responsibility for the use of the website’s contents by the user, reserving the right to modify, replace, update, renew, prevent access, interrupt, block, temporarily suspend, or permanently cancel any service, information supply, or any other content, either in relation to a specific user or in general.

Unless expressly stated otherwise in each case, does not intervene, participate, or assume any guarantee concerning the services or products offered by third-party providers accessible via hyperlinks or advertising frames. assumes no responsibility for any damage that may be caused to users’ equipment by possible computer viruses contracted by the user due to browsing the website or any other derived from their browsing.

The relationships between you, as a User, and will be governed by Spanish legislation and, in case of conflict, this will be submitted, with express waiver of the parties to any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Electronic communication

Under the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, AlixBlog informs that it may carry out communications by email only in the following cases:

If you have provided your email by commenting

The portal allows users to comment freely on its contents, either anonymously or by displaying their name or “nick” (nickname). This email is stored on the same OVH servers mentioned above.
Users may request their email to be deleted from the database at any time, expressly communicating it in an email sent to the address info [at]